ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Negative theology

Negative theology is like a game where you try to describe something by saying what it is not. It's like when someone asks you what a cat is and you say, "It's not a dog." Negative theology is a way of talking about God by describing what God is not.

It's like this - imagine you have a big, big book that tells you everything about God. But God is so big and mysterious that sometimes it's hard to say for sure what God is like. So instead, you can start by saying what God is not.

For example, you might say that God is not mean, or God is not selfish, or God is not limited by time or space. These are all things that God is not, but they also give us some idea of what God might be like.

Negative theology can be a helpful way of talking about God because it reminds us that we can never really fully understand God. God is always bigger and more mysterious than we can imagine. By saying what God is not, we can approach God with humility and reverence, and we can also appreciate the mystery and wonder of God's presence in our lives.