ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nuclear power in Canada

Nuclear power is a way of making electricity by using special things called "nuclear reactions." In Canada, there are a few places where big machines called "nuclear reactors" are used to create these reactions.

At the nuclear power plants, they use a special kind of metal called uranium to make these reactions happen. The uranium is put into the reactor and it gets heated up so much that it starts to break apart. This breaking apart process releases a lot of energy, which is used to make the electricity.

When the uranium breaks apart, it also releases some things called "radioactive materials." These are not good for people to be near, so the people who work at the nuclear power plants have to be very careful and wear special clothes to protect themselves.

The electricity that is made at the nuclear power plant is sent through big wires to homes, schools, and other buildings where people use it to power things like lights and appliances.

There are some good things and some not-so-good things about using nuclear power. One good thing is that it doesn't create pollution that harms the environment. But, if something goes wrong with the nuclear reactor, it can be very dangerous for people and the environment.

That's why it's important for the people who work at the nuclear power plants to be very careful and make sure everything is working properly.