ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nutritional transition

Hey there kiddo, do you know what food is? Yes, it's something we eat to stay healthy and strong! Well, for a long time, people used to eat food that was grown and produced locally, like fruits, vegetables, and grains. This was called a "traditional" diet. But in recent years, as more people started living in cities and globalization increased, people started eating more "modern" foods that are packaged and processed, like fast food, snacks, and sugary drinks.

This change from traditional to modern foods is called "nutritional transition." It's like a big shift that has happened all around the world, and it can have good or bad effects on our health. On the one hand, modern foods can be tasty and convenient, but on the other hand, they can lead to health problems like diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

So, it's important to try and balance our diets, and eat both traditional and modern foods in a healthy way. We should try to eat plenty of fruits and veggies, lean proteins like chicken and fish, and whole grains. And, it's okay to have treats and snacks sometimes, but not too much, because our bodies need the right balance of nutrients to stay healthy and strong!