ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

One person, one vote

Okay, imagine you and your friend want to pick what video to watch during your playdate. You both want different videos, but you only have one TV to watch it on. So, you can't watch both videos at the same time. How can you decide which video to watch? You could ask each of your friends to vote on which video they want to watch.

Here's how it works: everyone gets only one vote, including you and your friend. That means even though your friend really wants to watch their video, they only get one vote just like you. This way, everyone's opinion counts the same. The video that gets the most votes wins and that's what everyone watches.

In real life, we use this same idea when we vote for our leaders. Each person gets one vote, no matter how rich or famous they are. This is called "one person, one vote". It is a fair way to make decisions and ensures that everyone has an equal say in what happens.