ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Padaek is a type of food that comes from Laos. It's kind of like a sauce or a condiment that you can add to other foods to make them taste better. Padaek is made from a type of fish called pickled fish, which is cut into small pieces and mixed with salt, rice, and spices. The mixture is then left to ferment, which means it sits in a jar for a long time and starts to change into something else. When it's done fermenting, the mixture turns into a thick, brown paste that's very salty and smells kind of strong. Some people really like it and think it's tasty, while other people don't like the smell and think it's gross. You can use padaek in lots of different ways, like as a dipping sauce for vegetables or meat, or as a flavoring in soups or stews. Just remember that a little bit goes a long way, because it's very strong!
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