ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pla ra

Pla ra is a type of food that comes from Thailand. It is made by taking fish and letting it sit in salt for a really long time. This makes the fish become fermented, which means it starts to change and develop a strong smell and taste.

So basically, imagine you have a piece of fish that you really like to eat. But instead of cooking it, you decide to cover it in salt and let it sit in a container for a couple of months. Over that time, the fish starts to decompose and break down, and it develops a really strong smell and taste.

Some people really enjoy eating pla ra, but others might find it too strong or weird tasting. It's kind of like a salty, fishy sauce or seasoning that's used in a lot of Thai dishes. So if you're ever in Thailand and someone offers you pla ra, you can decide if you want to give it a try or not!