Okay kiddo, let me explain panglossianism to you in a simple way.
Panglossianism is when someone always sees the bright side of everything, even when things are not so good. It's like when you spill your milk all over the floor and instead of being upset, someone says "Well, now we get to practice cleaning up spills!"
It comes from a character in a book named Candide, who always believed that everything that happened was for the best. Sometimes that can be a good thing, because it can help us stay positive and hopeful. But other times, it can lead us to ignore problems or not take them seriously enough. It's like pretending that everything is okay, even when it's not.
So, panglossianism is about always trying to be optimistic and positive, even when things are tough. But it's important to remember that it's okay to be upset sometimes, and that we should try to fix problems instead of just ignoring them.