ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Parable of the Good Samaritan

The parable of the Good Samaritan is a Bible story about a man who helped another man who was hurt.

Once upon a time, two men were walking on a long journey. One of them was attacked by robbers and left on the side of the road, hurt and without any help. As the man lay there, many people walked by and did nothing to help him.

Finally, one man stopped and saw the hurt man. He felt sorry for him and decided to help. He bandaged the hurt man's cuts and helped him get to a place where he could rest.

The man who helped was a Samaritan (Samaritans were people from a different country who weren't well thought of by most others at that time). Even though the Samaritan knew he wasn't popular, he still chose to help the hurt man. He was being kind and generous.

The parable of the Good Samaritan is about how we should treat others, even if they are different from us. It is a reminder that everyone should show kindness, even if it is difficult.