ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Parabolic reflector

A parabolic reflector is a special kind of dish-shaped mirror. But instead of being flat like a regular mirror, it is curved like a big bowl. This curved shape allows it to reflect light in a very special way.

Imagine throwing a ball at a wall. If you throw it straight at the wall, it will bounce back straight at you. But if you throw it at an angle, it will bounce at a different angle. The same concept applies to light, which is like a bunch of little balls bouncing off things.

When light hits the surface of a parabolic reflector, it bounces off at a very specific angle. This allows the reflector to be used in things like telescopes and satellite dishes. The light that bounces off the reflector is concentrated into a tight beam, like how a magnifying glass focuses the sun's rays into a small spot.

This makes the parabolic reflector great for things like satellite dishes because it can collect a lot of signals sent from space, and focus them all onto a single point. It can also be used in telescopes because it can collect light from far away objects and focus it in a way that makes them clearer and easier to see.

So, to sum it up, a parabolic reflector is a curved mirror that reflects light in a very specific way, and it is used in things like satellite dishes and telescopes to focus and collect light signals.