ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pesticide residue

Pesticide residue is like a icky leftover from using a spray to get rid of bugs. Imagine you have ants in your play area that you don’t want there. So, your parent sprays a special spray which gets rid of the ants. The spray has some chemicals in it which kill the ants but can stay behind after the spray is gone. This leftover is called pesticide residue.

Now, the pesticide residue can also end up in foods grown on plants that were sprayed, like strawberries or apples. That’s why it is important to wash fruits and vegetables before eating them.

If we eat too much pesticide residue, it can harm our body or make us feel sick. To avoid this, grown-ups make strict rules to limit how much pesticide residue is allowed in the foods we eat. This is called a “safe level.”

So, although pesticide sprays can help us get rid of unwanted bugs, it’s important to be careful and make sure we eat foods that are safe and clean.