ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pictorial script

Okay kiddo, have you ever seen picture books? Where the story is told with illustrations instead of words?

Well, pictorial script is kind of like that. It's a way of writing that uses pictures to represent words instead of actual letters or words. So instead of writing "cat," you would draw a little picture of a cat.

This type of writing is also sometimes called a logogram or ideogram, which is just a fancy way of saying that each picture represents a whole word or idea.

Some ancient cultures used pictorial script, like the Egyptians with their hieroglyphics. And some modern languages, like Chinese and Japanese, still use pictorial script today.

But even though it might seem easier to just draw pictures instead of writing out words, it can actually be really complicated because you have to learn a lot of different pictures and what they mean.

So while it might be fun to draw little pictures to represent words, we'll still stick with our regular old alphabet for now.