ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Plain language

Okay, so you know how sometimes mommy or daddy will use big words that you don't understand? Well, I'm going to explain this topic using words you'll understand.

Have you ever played with building blocks? You can stack them on top of each other to make a tower. Well, a computer program is like building blocks too!

Computer programs are made up of instructions, just like how you follow certain steps (instructions) to build a tower with your blocks. But instead of using words like "add" or "remove," computer programs use special words that the computer can understand.

The computer follows these instructions step by step, just like how you follow instructions to build your tower. And when it's done, it can do all sorts of things like play games, show pictures, or even talk to your friends on video chat!

So the next time you hear someone talking about computer programs, just remember that it's like building with blocks but with special instructions for the computer to understand.