ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Portuguese Inquisition

The Portuguese Inquisition was a time a long time ago when some people in Portugal made a group to make sure that everyone in the country followed the same religion. This group wanted everyone to be a part of their religion and didn't want anyone to have a different belief.

If someone didn't follow the same religion as this group, they were punished. They could even be put in jail or sent away from the country. This was not a good thing, and many people were not happy about it.

The Portuguese Inquisition began in the 15th century and continued for over 200 years. During this time, people were accused of different things that the group didn't like. They would be put on trial and sometimes tortured to confess to being guilty of things they didn't do.

The Inquisition was a time of fear for many people, and it made them not feel safe. They couldn't follow the religion they wanted or speak their minds without fear of punishment. This is why it is not a good thing to force people to follow only one religion/way of life.