ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Position of the Sun

The sun is really far away from us, but it's very strong and powerful! It's so strong that it makes everything on Earth bright and warm. During the day, the sun moves in the sky and changes position. It starts in the morning on one side of the sky and moves toward the other side as the day goes on, until it sets in the evening.

At noon (when the clock says 12:00 pm), the sun is usually right above our heads. It looks like it's in the middle of the sky! But as the day goes on, the sun starts to move again and gets lower and lower in the sky. This is because the Earth is actually spinning like a top, and the sun seems to move because of how our planet is turning.

The position of the sun in the sky changes depending on where you are in the world and what time of year it is. In some places, the sun might stay up in the sky for almost 24 hours in the summer, while in the winter it might only be up for a few hours. That's because Earth is tilted on an angle, and as it spins around the sun, some parts of the world get more sunlight than others.

So, the position of the sun is always changing, but we can still use it to tell time and know where we are in the world. It's pretty amazing!