ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pragmatic information

Okay kiddo, let's talk about pragmatic information. Imagine you are playing with your toys and you want to tell me about what's happening. You would need to use words and sentences to let me know what is going on. But, just telling me what's happening might not be enough for me to understand completely. That's where pragmatic information comes in.

Pragmatic information is all about understanding the meaning behind the words someone is saying, based on other things we know about the situation. It's like using clues to figure out what someone means even if they don't say it directly. For example, if you say "I want my teddy bear" and you are crying, I can guess that you are sad and want comfort from your teddy bear. Even though you didn't say "I am sad and need comfort."

Pragmatic information is important for communication because it helps us make sense of what someone is saying by using context, body language, and tone of voice. It helps us understand why someone might be saying something and what they really mean. So, next time you are talking to someone, try to pay attention to not just what they say, but also how they say it and what is going on around you. That way, you can use pragmatic information to understand the full meaning behind their words.