ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Prague Declaration

Okay kiddo, so the Prague Declaration is a very important paper that talks about a really bad time in history called the Holocaust.

A long time ago, there was a war called World War II, and a big leader named Adolf Hitler had a really bad idea. He wanted to get rid of people who were Jewish, because he didn't like them. This was a really mean and unfair thing to do.

The Prague Declaration talks about how it's really important to remember what happened during the Holocaust, so that we don't forget how bad it was and so that we can work to make sure it never happens again.

The Declaration was written in Prague, which is a city in Europe, in 2008. Lots of different countries got together to write it and agree on it.

So basically, the Prague Declaration is an important paper that reminds us to remember the bad things that happened in the past, so that we can make the future better.