ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


So, imagine you're playing with blocks. You have different shapes and sizes of blocks and you want to build something cool. But you're not just randomly stacking them, you're using some rules. This is where presentation-abstraction-control (PAC) comes in.

Presentation means how the blocks look and where they're placed in relation to other blocks. You might organize them by color or size or shape. This makes it easier for you to see what you have and how you can use it.

Abstraction means simplifying the blocks into groups or categories. For example, you might put all the squares together or all the blue blocks together. This helps you manage and organize the blocks even when there are a lot of them.

Control means how you're using the blocks to build something specific. You might have an idea in mind of what you want to create, so you're picking certain blocks and putting them in certain places to make that idea a reality.

So, with PAC, you're separating the presentation (how the blocks look), abstraction (grouping the blocks), and control (what you're using the blocks for) of the blocks so that you can better manage and build with them. It's sort of like having a plan or a blueprint for what you're building, instead of just randomly stacking the blocks.