ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Primary flow element

A primary flow element is like a special tool that helps us measure how much liquid or gas is flowing through a pipe. Imagine you are playing with a toy car that has a water hose attached to it. There's a small part in the hose that measures how much water is coming out of the hose every second. That part is like a primary flow element.

There are different types of primary flow elements, but they all work in a similar way. They create a change in the way the liquid or gas is flowing through the pipe, which helps us calculate how much is flowing. Some primary flow elements look like cones or nozzles, while others have flat plates or tubes with a bend in them.

The way a primary flow element works is like this: as the liquid or gas flows through the pipe and reaches the primary flow element, it has to pass through a small opening or a bend. As it does this, the speed and pressure of the flow change, and this change is what we can use to figure out how much is flowing.

So, a primary flow element is like a special tool that helps us measure how much liquid or gas is flowing through a pipe by creating a change in the flow that we can calculate.