ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Production Code

Production code is like a grown-up version of a toy that you play with. When you make a toy, you design it, put it together and make sure it works properly, and then give it to someone to play with. Production code is like that, but for computer programs that people use in the real world.

When programmers write code, they usually start by making a small version that they can play with and test out to see if it works the way they want it to. But when they're happy with how it works, they need to make a bigger, more robust version that other people can use too.

This bigger version is called "production code". It's the code that gets used by people in the real world, whether that's a website, an app, or some other kind of digital tool. So just like with a toy, the programmers need to make sure that it works properly and doesn't have any bugs that might make it not work well or even break outright.

To do this, programmers test production code a lot. They have special types of tests that they can run on it to make sure that it works the way they expect it to, even if lots of people are using it at the same time. They also make sure that the code is written in a way that makes it easy to change or fix if there are problems.

In the end, production code is like the grown-up version of a toy, but for computer programs that people use every day. Just like how you might play with your toy carefully so that it doesn't break or stop working, programmers make sure that production code is designed and tested carefully so that it works well for everyone who uses it.