ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Psychological drama

Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes when you watch a movie or a play, the characters' emotions seem very intense and complicated? That's because they are going through a type of story called a psychological drama.

A psychological drama is when the story is focused on people's thoughts and feelings and how they are dealing with certain situations in their lives. It's like a big puzzle that you have to figure out because you don't always know what the characters are thinking or what they are going to do next.

For example, imagine a story about a boy who is afraid to go to school because he's being bullied. The story would show us how he feels scared and anxious, and how he tries to cope with those feelings. But it would also show us how the bullies might be experiencing their own emotions, like anger or jealousy, and how that is impacting the boy's life.

In a psychological drama, it's important to pay attention to the characters' behaviors, facial expressions, and dialogue because they can all give clues about what they are thinking and feeling. But sometimes, the true meaning behind their actions or words might not be revealed until later in the story.

Overall, psychological dramas can be very fascinating and emotional, because they show us the complexities of the human mind and how we all deal with our own struggles in different ways.