ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Public Domain Day

Hey kiddo! Today we're going to learn about something called Public Domain Day.

Do you know what a book is? It's a bunch of pages with words and pictures that you can read and learn from. Now, imagine that someone wrote a really cool book a long time ago, but nobody can read it anymore because it's too old and nobody has the right to make copies of it.

That's where Public Domain Day comes in. Every year on January 1st, some old books and other things become free for everyone to use and copy. It's like a present for the whole world!

Why does this happen, you might ask? Well, the people who made those things died a long time ago, and after a certain amount of time, their work becomes free for anyone to use, without having to pay money or ask permission.

This means that new artists and creators can use those old ideas and make new things out of them, like new books or movies. And most importantly, we can all learn from them and enjoy them without having to worry about getting in trouble.

Isn't that cool? Public Domain Day is like a big celebration for all the knowledge and art that we can now access and use freely, so that we can keep learning and growing.