ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Punt gun

Okay kiddo, so there's this really big gun called a punt gun. It's so big that it's usually mounted on small boats called punts, which is where it gets its name from. Now, this gun isn't for shooting at people or animals. It's actually for shooting a lot of birds all at once!

You know how some people like to go birdwatching or hunt birds for food? Well, back in the old days, some people needed to catch a lot of birds at once. That's where the punt gun comes in. Instead of shooting one bird at a time like other guns, this one can shoot a whole bunch of birds at once. It's kind of like a really big, super-powered shotgun.

The punt gun is so big that it takes a few people to use it. There's usually one person who aims the gun and another person who fires it. It's also really loud and can scare the birds away, so the people who use it have to be really careful and quiet.

Nowadays, punt guns aren't used as much anymore because it's not very good for the environment or for the birds. People have found other, better ways to catch birds, like using nets or traps. But back in the day, the punt gun was a really important tool for some people who needed to catch a lot of birds all at once.