ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Race and ethnicity in censuses

Okay kiddo, every few years a group of people called the government wants to know how many people live in the country and what kinds of people they are. So, they ask everyone to fill out a form called a census. One of the questions on the census asks people about their race and ethnicity.

Race means what group of people someone belongs to based on certain physical characteristics like skin color. Ethnicity means the cultural background and traditions someone comes from, like their language, religion, or family heritage.

When people fill out the race and ethnicity question on the census, they write down what group they belong to based on how they identify themselves. Some people might say they are white, black, Asian, Native American, or Pacific Islander. Others might say they are Hispanic or Latino, which means they come from a Spanish-speaking country or culture.

Knowing about people's race and ethnicity helps the government learn more about the different communities and cultures in the country. This helps them make decisions about things like schools, healthcare, and employment opportunities that can affect different groups of people in different ways.

It's important to remember that everyone is different and unique, and that's what makes our country so special!