ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Raicilla is a special drink that comes from the beautiful country of Mexico. It is a type of alcohol that is made from Agave, which is a very spiky plant that grows in the desert. This type of alcohol is like a cousin to tequila, but it tastes a bit different and is made in a different way.

To make raicilla, first, you have to find some really big and ripe agave plants. Then, you chop off the leaves so that you can get to the sweet and juicy center part of the plant. This part is called the piña, which means pineapple in Spanish. Next, the piñas are mashed up into a pulp using a big tool called a tahona. After this, the pulp is mixed with water and left to ferment for a few days.

Once the fermentation is done, the mixture is heated up in a big pot until the liquid turns into steam. This steam is then collected and cooled back down into a liquid, which is the raicilla we all know and love. Usually, the process is repeated a few times to make sure it's nice and strong.

Raicilla is a very special and traditional drink that is usually kept secret in Mexico. Because of this, it can be very hard to find it outside of Mexico. But, if you do happen to find some, make sure to try it out and savor the unique flavors and traditions of this wonderful drink.