ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Realism (philosophy)

Realism is a big word that means 'what you see is what you get'. Let's say you are playing with your favorite toy car. You can see it, touch it, and play with it. That means the toy car is real, and it exists in the world around you.

Realism is a way of thinking that suggests that things that exist are real, and their existence is not dependent on our thoughts or feelings. It's like saying that the moon exists, whether or not we think about it or look at it.

Realism says that the reality of the world around us is independent of our minds, and it's there even if we don't see it. It's like a tree falling in the forest - it makes a sound whether or not anyone is there to hear it.

Realism is essential in philosophy because it helps us understand what is real and what is just an idea. It also helps us understand how we perceive reality and the world around us. By understanding realism, we can think more deeply about the world and our place in it.