ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rear-wheel drive

Rear-wheel drive is like riding a tricycle, but the big wheel is in the back. When you pedal your tricycle, the big wheel in the back moves you forward.

In a car, the rear wheels are the big wheels and they help move the car forward. These wheels are connected to the engine, which makes them spin. The spinning wheels help the car move forward.

Rear-wheel drive can be really helpful when you're driving on a slick or slippery road because having the big wheels in the back gives the car extra traction. This makes the car easier to control and less likely to slide around on the road.

However, when you turn a car with rear-wheel drive, it can be a little trickier because the back wheels don't have as much power and can sometimes slide out of control. That's why race car drivers need lots of skill and practice to handle a rear-wheel drive car.

Overall, rear-wheel drive can be really helpful for certain situations, but it takes some skill to handle it properly.