ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Right of return

Right of return means that people have the right to go back to their own land or country where they lived before, even if they left for some time. It's like visiting a friend's house and then getting to come back and visit more often because they are your friend and you have permission to come back whenever you want.

It is a very special kind of right because it allows people to return to where they feel they belong, even if they had to leave their home for some reason. This can happen because of a war, natural disaster, or something else that made it hard for them to stay there. But with the right of return, people can come back to their homes and their land, and feel like they are home again.

The right of return is often discussed in the context of refugees or people who were forced to leave their homes because of some kind of conflict or trouble. It is an important human right and is recognized by international law, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Countries and governments have a responsibility to protect this right and help people return home safely.