ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Ringwork is like building a fort in the old times. It starts with digging a big hole in the ground and piling up the dirt around to create a raised platform. This platform is then surrounded by a big, strong wall made of wood or stone.

The wall has a doorway called a gateway that is tall and narrow to help defenders protect the entrance. The defenders can drop things like hot oil or rocks from the top of the wall into the narrow entrance too.

The ringwork as the name suggests has a circular shape, and the wall is usually thicker at the base than at the top. This feature makes it difficult for attackers to climb up and enter the fort.

Inside, there are buildings and storage spaces for weapons, tools, food, and water. The defenders, who are the people that live in the fort, can use their weapons to protect themselves and their land from invaders, enemies, or wild animals.

Ringwork was used in the past for protection during battles, but today, we use modern structures, like security fences or walls, to keep things safe.
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