ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Romance-speaking world

Okay, so you know how sometimes grown-ups have special feelings for each other that make them want to spend a lot of time together, hold hands, and maybe even give each other special kisses? That's called romance!

In some parts of the world, like Europe and Latin America, people really like to talk about romance a lot. They write books and songs and movies about it, and they even have special celebrations for it, like Valentine's Day!

People in the romance-speaking world (which means they speak languages like Spanish, French, and Italian) really value love and relationships. They think it's really important to find someone who makes them happy and to treat them with kindness and respect. They also like to express their feelings with romantic gestures, like giving flowers or writing love letters.

So, if you ever visit a country in the romance-speaking world, don't be surprised if you hear lots of talk about love and romance. And who knows, you might even find yourself swept off your feet by a charming prince or princess!