ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sacramental character

Okay, so let's pretend you just got a special sticker from your teacher at school. That sticker shows that you did something really important and special, like maybe you finished all your work really well or you were really kind to someone. That sticker is like a sacramental character - it's a special mark that shows that you did something important and meaningful.

In the Catholic Church, sacramental character is kind of like a special sticker that you get when you do something really important - like when you receive certain sacraments, like Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders. When you get one of these sacraments, it means that you are being marked with a special "character" that shows that you belong to the Church and that you are meant to do important things in the world. It's kind of like becoming a superhero - you have a special power that helps you do good things!

This sacramental character isn't something people can see with their eyes, like a sticker, but it's something that stays with you for life. It helps you become more connected to God and gives you the strength to do good things in the world. So, just like how your special sticker shows that you did something important and meaningful in school, getting a sacramental character means that you are part of something really special and important in the Church.