ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Sailing is like going on a big adventure on a boat in the water! The boat has a big cloth called a sail that catches the wind to make it move.

There are different kinds of boats for different kinds of adventures, like big boats for traveling across the ocean or smaller boats for racing. Boats can have one sail or many sails that can be adjusted to go in different directions.

The person who drives the boat is called the skipper, and they use a long stick thing called a tiller to steer the boat. If they want to go faster, they might lean the boat sideways to catch more wind.

Navigating the boat requires a map called a chart, compasses, and other gadgets to make sure the skipper knows where they are going and how to get there safely.

It's important to wear life jackets and know what to do in case of an emergency because the ocean can be a big and scary place. But with the right skills, equipment, and sense of adventure, sailing can be a really fun and exciting way to explore the water and see the world.