Okay kiddo, imagine you made a really cool picture or wrote a great story all by yourself. You want lots of people to see it, right? Self-publishing is when you decide to share your creation with the world all on your own, instead of asking a big company to help you do it.
When you work with a big company, they might give you lots of money to make your creation, but they also get to decide how it looks, how much it costs, where it goes, and how much money you make from it. But with self-publishing, you get to make all those decisions yourself!
First, you have to decide what you want to share and how you want it to look. If it's a picture, maybe you want to put it in a book with words that tell a story. If it's a story, maybe you want to make it into a book with pictures. You get to pick how it all looks and even the title!
Once you have it all ready, you can send it to a printing company or share it online. That's the great thing about self-publishing, you have different ways to share your creation. If you want to have a physical book, you can send it to a printing company and they will make a bunch of copies for you. If you want to share it online, you can create an eBook or even make a website where people can read your creation. It's all up to you!
Of course, self-publishing isn't easy. It takes a lot of work to make something that looks good, and it's up to you to promote it so people know about it. But if you work hard, you can have a lot of fun and be really proud of yourself for putting something out into the world all on your own!