ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Serial switcher

Okay, so imagine you have a bunch of toys, and you want to play with all of them, but you can only play with one at a time. So you have a special helper, let's call him Switchy. Switchy helps you decide which toy you want to play with, and when you want to switch to a different toy, he helps you put the first toy away and get out the new toy.

A serial switcher is kind of like Switchy, but for computers. When you have a bunch of devices, like printers, scanners, or cameras, that need to be connected to your computer, but you can only use one at a time, a serial switcher helps you switch between them. It's like a traffic cop for your computer's data.

Here's how it works: you plug all your devices into the serial switcher, and then connect the switcher to your computer using a special cable. Then, when you want to use a device, you tell the switcher which one you want, and it sends the data from that device to your computer. When you're done with that device and want to switch to a different one, you tell the switcher again, and it switches the data flow to the new device.

It's kind of like having a waiter at a restaurant. You tell the waiter what food you want, and the waiter brings it to you. When you're finished, you tell the waiter you want something else, and they bring you the next thing.

So, to summarize, a serial switcher is a helper for your computer that lets you switch between different devices, so you can use them one at a time without having to unplug and replug everything.