ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Shinto shrine

A Shinto shrine is a special place where people go to worship Japanese gods. It's like a big park with pretty trees and buildings, and people go there to pray, make offerings, or just relax.

There are lots of different types of Shinto shrines, but they all have things in common. They usually have a big gate, called a torii, at the entrance that marks the start of the sacred area. You might notice that people bow or clap their hands when they pass through the gate, and that's a way of showing respect to the gods.

Once you're inside, you might see lots of little buildings or altars called honden. These are where the gods live or are worshipped. They might be decorated with pretty flowers, or have big drums or bells that people can ring to get the god's attention. Sometimes, you might see statues or pictures of the gods, too.

People go to Shinto shrines for lots of reasons. Some might go to ask for good luck, or to say thank you for something good that's happened. Others might go just to enjoy the peace and beauty of the shrine. If you want to pray, you might throw a coin in a special box, clap your hands, and say a little prayer. You can also buy special charms or amulets that are said to bring good fortune or protect you from harm.

Overall, a Shinto Shrine is a magical and special place where people go to connect with the Japanese gods and show their respect and appreciation for the world around them.