ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sign-on and sign-off

Okay, imagine you are playing with your friend and you want to play together with their toys. Before you can start playing, you ask your friend if it's okay and they say "yes" which means you can "sign-on" and begin playing together.

But when it's time to go home, you need to say "bye-bye" to your friend and let them know that you are leaving. This is called "signing-off."

In the same way, when you use a computer or a website, you have to "sign-on" by typing in your username and password. This is like asking permission to use the computer or website. Once you're done using it, you need to "sign-off" by logging out. This is like saying "bye-bye" to the computer or website.

It's important to sign-off properly to keep your information safe and to make sure no one else can use the computer or website after you're done using it.