ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sintashta culture

Okay kiddo, so there was a group of people a long time ago called the Sintashta people. They lived in an area that is now part of Russia and Kazakhstan.

The Sintashta people were known for a few things. They were really good at making weapons, like swords and spears. They also had horses that they used for transportation and for fighting in battles.

The Sintashta people didn't build big cities, but they did have towns with houses made of mud and straw. They also had big grave sites where they buried important people with their weapons and other treasures.

Many people think that the Sintashta people played a big role in the creation of a bigger group of people called the Indo-Europeans. The Indo-Europeans spread out to different parts of the world and had a big impact on history.

So, that's what the Sintashta culture was all about – a group of people who were really good at making weapons and who had horses, lived in towns with mud and straw houses, and had big grave sites for important people.