ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Social jacking

Okay kiddo, have you ever shared something on social media like a picture or a post? Well, sometimes people can use something called social jacking to trick you into sharing something without even realizing it!

You see, social jacking is when someone creates a fake social media post or message that looks like it's from someone you know or a reputable source. They might say something like "Share this post to support a good cause" or "Click this link to win a prize!"

Now, since you trust the person or the source that the message looks like it's from, you might share or click without thinking twice. But the problem is that the post or link might lead you to something dangerous or fake.

So, it's important to always double-check before clicking or sharing anything on social media. Make sure the post or message is from a trustworthy source and that the information is true before passing it along. Stay safe on social media, kiddo!