ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Social sciences

Social sciences are all about understanding people and how they interact with each other and the world around them. Think of it like trying to solve a big puzzle about how humans behave and why they do what they do.

There are many different types of social sciences, such as sociology, psychology, economics, anthropology, and political science. These all focus on different aspects of human behavior and society.

For example, sociology looks at how people live together in groups and how they form communities. Psychology looks at how people think and feel, and how that affects their behavior. Economics looks at how people use money and resources to get what they need and want. Anthropology looks at how cultures and societies differ around the world. Political science looks at how governments work and how people make decisions together.

All of these social sciences use research methods like surveys, experiments, and observations to study human behavior and try to answer questions about why people do what they do. By understanding more about human behavior, we can find ways to create a better world for everyone.