ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Source–sink dynamics

Imagine you have a big bowl of candy and you are a five-year-old who loves candy. Your bowl is the source of candy and you are the sink. As long as you keep taking candy from the bowl, the bowl will become empty. However, if someone keeps adding candy to your bowl, your bowl will never completely empty.

Now, in the natural world, plants are the source and animals are the sink. Plants provide nutrients, energy and resources to animals, which are the sinks in this case. Just like how you can't eat all the candy in one go, animals also can't consume all the resources at once. They use what they need to survive and grow, and the rest is either lost or passed on to other animals. This creates a balance between source and sink.

However, human activity has disrupted this natural balance. We have destroyed habitats, over-exploited resources, and caused pollution. This has led to a decrease in the resources available to animals, making it difficult for them to survive and grow. Furthermore, by consuming more resources than we require, we have created an imbalance between the source and sink. This means that the natural world cannot replenish resources as quickly as we are consuming them, which leads to ecological problems like loss of biodiversity, extinction of species, and climate change.

Therefore, maintaining a balance between source and sink is crucial for the sustainable functioning of the natural world. We need to be conscious of our resource usage and reduce our impact on the environment to ensure that we do not disrupt this delicate balance.