ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Spirit rover

The Spirit Rover is a robot that was sent to explore Mars, which is a planet far away from Earth. The robot is about the size of a small car and has six wheels, which help it to move around on the rocky surface of Mars. The Spirit Rover has a camera that takes pictures of the planet and sends them back to Earth so that humans can see what Mars looks like.

The robot also has many instruments that help it to learn about the planet, like a microscope that can look at tiny things and a tool that can analyze rocks and soil. The Spirit Rover has a solar panel that gives it power, so it can keep exploring Mars even when it's dark.

The Spirit Rover had a very important job because it helped scientists learn a lot about Mars. It explored the planet for six years and discovered many interesting things, like evidence that water may have once existed on Mars. That's important because scientists think that if there was once water on Mars, there could have been life on Mars, too.

Overall, the Spirit Rover was a very cool robot and helped us learn so much about another planet!