ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Stall (flight)

When a plane is flying, it uses its wings to stay in the air. The wings are shaped in a special way so that air flows over them and creates lift. But sometimes, the plane can slow down too much or the pilot can make the wings point the wrong way. This can cause something called a "stall."

A stall means that the wings aren't making enough lift anymore and the plane starts to fall towards the ground. It's kind of like when you're riding a bike and you slow down too much and almost fall over – the wings on the plane stop working and it starts to fall.

If this happens to a plane, the pilot needs to take action quickly to get the wings making lift again. They might push the plane's nose down to gain speed and get the air flowing over the wings again. Or, they might increase the engine power to help the plane stay in the air while the wings start working again.

Stalls can be dangerous, but pilots are trained to recognize them and know how to handle them to keep everyone safe.