A state church is like when your mommy and daddy say that they are in charge of your house and everyone has to follow their rules. In the same way, in some countries, the government says that one religion is the most important and everyone should follow it, just like how mommy and daddy say their rules are the most important in their house.
This religion becomes the official religion of the country and gets special treatment from the government. This means that the government might give money to the churches, or make special laws that only follow the rules of this religion.
Other religions can still be practiced in these countries, but they might not be treated the same way as the state church. It's like when your mommy and daddy say you can play with other kids, but you have to follow their rules, just like how other religions can still be practiced, but they have to follow the rules of the state church.
Some people like state churches because it gives them a sense of unity and togetherness with other people who follow the same religion, just like how mommy and daddy's rules make everyone in the family work together. Other people don't like state churches because it doesn't allow for freedom of religion, or the ability to practice any religion you want, just like how you might not want to always follow mommy and daddy's rules.