ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sterling area

Okay kiddo, so a long time ago, there was this thing called the Sterling Area. The Sterling Area was a group of countries that used the British pound as their main form of money.

When a country joined the Sterling Area, it meant they agreed to use the British pound as their currency and to keep their own currencies fixed to it. It was kind of like a big club, where everyone used the same money and agreed to play by the same rules.

The Sterling Area was set up after World War II, when Britain was a really powerful country and had lots of colonies around the world. By joining the Sterling Area, these colonies could keep using the same money they were used to, and it helped them to trade with each other more easily.

But as time went on, some countries started to feel like they wanted more control over their own currencies. They wanted to be able to set their own exchange rates and have more independence from Britain.

So over time, many countries left the Sterling Area, and it eventually dissolved in the 1970s. Today, many of these countries have their own separate currencies and use them to trade with each other and the rest of the world.