ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A submersible is like a special type of vehicle that can go underwater. Think of it like a car that can drive on the road or a boat that can float on the water, but a submersible can sink beneath the water and move around there!

Submersibles are designed to be able to withstand the pressure of being deep underwater, where regular cars and boats would not be able to go. They are used for lots of different things, like exploring the ocean floor, doing research or even going on adventures!

Submersibles usually have a special structure that can keep water out while they are underwater. They also usually have special controls for moving and steering around underwater. And sometimes, they have windows or cameras so the person inside can see what's going on outside!

Overall, submersibles are really cool machines that let people explore the underwater world in ways they wouldn't be able to otherwise!