ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Systems engineering process

Systems engineering is like an architect building a house. The process starts with planning. The architect will figure out what the house needs - the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, the layout, and materials needed. Then, the architect makes a plan - a blueprint - of what the house will look like when it is done.

After the plan is finalized, the builder begins putting together the different parts of the house - the walls and windows, the foundation and roof. As each part is made and added, it has to be checked to make sure it is put together correctly. If something doesn't fit correctly, it has to be adjusted so it does.

Finally, when all the parts are together, it's time to check the house to make sure that everything works like it should and that it meets the plan and the needs of the people who will be living in it.

Systems engineering is the same process, but instead of a physical house, the engineer is designing and building a system - like a computer system or a software system. The engineer has to plan what the system needs, create a blueprint, and assemble the different parts. Just like with a house, the engineer has to check each part as it is put together and make sure it works correctly. In the end, when everything is put together, the engineer checks the system to make sure it works like it is supposed to and meets the plan.