ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tag (markup)

Let's say you have a secret notebook and you want to make sure no one else can read it. One way to do that is to put special marks on the pages to show you what each part of the notebook is about. That way you can easily find what you're looking for without having to read through everything.

Tag markup is kind of like putting marks in your secret notebook. But instead of doing it with a pen, we do it on the computer using special codes that the computer understands. These codes are called tags.

Just like the marks in your secret notebook, tags tell us what each part of a webpage is about. They can tell us where the title of the page is, where the text is, where the pictures are, and lots of other things.

When you visit a website, your computer reads the code that makes up the webpage and knows exactly what to show you based on the tags. Think of it like the computer following a treasure map to find all the pieces that make up the webpage.

So in summary, tag markup is a way of putting special codes on a webpage that tells the computer what each part of the page is about, making it easier for you to find what you're looking for.