ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of the word "tennin"? Basically, it's a Japanese term that's used in a super cool game called "Netrunner".

In Netrunner, each player has a deck of cards that they use to try and score points by completing "agendas". These agenda cards are kind of like secret plans that the players need to accomplish.

But here's the thing - the other player will do everything they can to stop you, because they have their own agendas to complete! So it's like a big game of cat and mouse.

Now, tennin is a type of corporation in Netrunner that's really good at scoring their agendas. They're sneaky and clever, and they like to use tricks and traps to catch their opponents off-guard.

For example, they might put out a card that looks harmless, but if the other player tries to mess with it, it will trigger a nasty surprise.

In summary, tennin is a corporation in Netrunner that focuses on sneaky tactics to score their agendas. They love to use tricks and traps to get ahead, and they're really good at catching their opponents off-guard.