ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Exodus

Okay kiddo, so a long, long time ago, there were a group of people called the Israelites who lived in a place called Egypt. They were living there for many, many years, but they didn't like it there very much because they were being treated very badly by the Pharaoh, who was like the king of Egypt.

One day, a man named Moses came to the Israelites and told them that he had a plan to make things better for them. He said that he had spoken to God, and God had told him that he wanted Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into a new land that He had promised them.

So, Moses and his brother Aaron went to the Pharaoh and asked him to let the Israelites go. But the Pharaoh refused and instead made things even harder for the Israelites.

God sent ten plagues to Egypt to convince the Pharaoh to let the Israelites go. The plagues were things like frogs, lice, darkness, and the death of the firstborn son of every family. After the tenth plague, the Pharaoh finally agreed to let the Israelites go.

So Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, but first, they had to cross a big sea. God parted the sea, so the Israelites could walk across it safely. Once they were on the other side, the sea went back to its normal state, and the Egyptians who tried to follow them were drowned.

After that, the Israelites were free and started a journey to the land that God had promised them. They faced many challenges and obstacles along the way, but God was always with them, and eventually, they made it to the new land.

This event of the Israelites leaving Egypt is called the Exodus, and it is an important story in the Bible that teaches us about God and His love for His people.