ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, kiddo, so thelarche is when a girl's body starts to change and grow little bumps on her chest called breasts. It's a natural process that happens when she gets a little bit older, usually between the ages of 8 and 13.

Inside a girl's body, there are things called hormones that help her grow and develop. When she reaches a certain age, her body starts to make more of these hormones and that's what causes the changes.

It's kind of like a flower growing - you need the right conditions like sunlight and water, and then the plant starts to bud and bloom. It's the same with a girl's body - when everything is working properly, her body starts to bud and bloom too, which is completely normal and natural.

It's important for girls to understand that everyone develops at their own pace and there's nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about. It's all part of growing up and becoming the amazing person you are meant to be!
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