ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Translation (biology)

Translation is like building something with Lego blocks. Just like how you can create different things by putting different Lego blocks together, in our body, there are tiny Lego blocks called amino acids that help make different proteins that our bodies need to grow and function.

Our body gets the instructions for making proteins from our DNA, and these instructions are like a recipe. Just like how a recipe tells you what ingredients to use and how to mix them together, the instructions in our DNA, called genes, tell our cells what amino acids they need to use and in what order to make a certain protein.

This process of using the instructions in our DNA to make a protein is called translation. Just like how you follow a recipe step by step, our cells follow the genetic instructions to make sure they use the right amino acids and put them together in the order needed to make the specific protein.

Once the protein is made, it can go on to perform its specific function in our body, like building muscle, transporting oxygen, fighting infections or helping in other important processes.

Translation is a crucial process for our body to function properly, just like how building with Lego blocks help create fun and interesting things.